Friday, 26 September 2014

Apple, what happened?

No, really, what happened? You released what you claimed to be the best new smartphone on the market and then things started going from bad to worse. First your software update intended to fix an already buggy operating system only disabled the cellphone service on an untold number of devices, so you were forced to pull the update, which has never happened before, even though that is not your first time when an update you release causes more problems than it fixes. And as if that is not enough, then it turns out your phones bend when people keep them in their pockets and start conforming to their body shape. I suppose that with a little more work you could have made it an actual feature of your new phone, as long as said phone did not break when people attempted to bend it back into its proper shape. You did patent a method to make bendable screens of flexible glass after all.

On the bright side, no battery has exploded yet to burn someone, which did happen with iPhone 5.


  1. I believe they will overcome this controversy without major problems

  2. this will drive the apple stock down

  3. Congratulations for the post, very helpful.

  4. Great Article! Very useful info!

  5. Quite recently we've heard about the creation of a Bad Bank. I guess this might became to be known as the creation of a Bad Apple. :-)
